The 10-axle bogie type high capacity regulating machine USP 6000 for working on plainline track is designed to run self-propelled on track with a maximum speed of 96 kph (˜60 mph) outside possessions. The machine complies with Railway Group Standard (RGS) GM/RT 2400, issue 5 in all respects, featuring a frame strength to withstand 120 t compression force and 100 t pulling force as well as both cabins designed to the necessary requirements.
The correct ballast bed cross-section, defined by civil engineering standards, is of great significance. Above all, it is important for the safety of the track against track buckling. Moreover, any unnecessary spreading of the ballast bed represents a cost factor.
To counteract this, it is vital to produce the right ballast bed cross-section both in course of track maintenance as well as track renewal. If this work is not carried out regularly, huge quantities of ballast could be lying unused in the track network.
The USP 6000 is the modern successor of the well proven previously supplied ballast regulators, which were delivered in considerable numbers to British Rail (BR) and Network Rail forming the backbone of the regulator fleet in the UK.
The concept of the USP 6000 series derives from the AFM 2000 machine design and provides an uniform standard vehicle with articulated frame design fulfilling the requirements of GM/RT 2400 with well proven reliable working units combined with new developments like the high capacity sweeper device, which is also designed for working on 3rd rail track sections. Furthermore the machine is equipped with a large hopper capable of carrying up to 14 m³ of ballast.
The USP 6000 stands for a high capacity ballast regulator for efficient track maintenance with highest quality, safety and cost-efficiency primarily engaged in track maintenance of main lines and rural lines, track renewals or in combination with ballast cleaning work.